Data discovery

This tool allows the user to easily get image products related to a particular wave or weather condition. The wave and weather data are in situ data measured by each station. These are the steps to be followed:

1. Station selection

The user can select the location, cameras, and products.

2. Data selection

The user can choose between easy and advanced options.

  • Easy:

This option allows the user to select between four parameters (wind speed, wind speed gust, maximum wave height, and significant wave height) (Figure 8). Selecting one of these parameters the Output Selection page opens.

  • Advanced:

This option allows the user to access all wave and weather parameters measured by the station. This page allows the user two possibilities:

  • Aggregations:

Here the complete time series can be accessed, and the user can select between the wind and wave aggregation or the wind aggregation. It should be noted that, on the one hand, wave data is loaded twice a year and, on the other hand, wind data is real-time data. Therefore, the wind and wave aggregation contains data up to the latest update of wave data and the wind aggregation contains real-time wind data.

The user can select one of the aggregations and on the next page select one parameter. Clicking on “NEXT” the Output Selection page opens.

  • Instruments:

Data from each instrument (the meteo-station or the acoustic wave and current profiler) can be accessed separately. At the top of the panel, the user can select the dates of interest, and automatically the page will refresh. If more than one AWAC is part of the time series in the selected period, only the first one appears on this page. Clicking on “NEXT PAGE” all AWACS that are part of the selected time period appear. The user can select one and on the next page select the parameter of interest. Clicking on “NEXT” the output selection page opens.

3. Output selection

Clicking 'NEXT' opens a new page where the user has the option to filter the data by a range of values. The time period can be changed again, but only between dates within the data series of the selected instrument. Clicking on 'UPDATE PLOT' the plot of the selected parameter and time period is generated (Figure 10). By moving the mouse along the graphic the selected image products are shown.

It should be noted that long series will need more time to load all images. In addition, wave data are loaded twice a year, so depending on the time series chosen, the wave parameters may not be available. If so, the user should choose an earlier date.